khaad dena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word khaad dena usage in english sentences. The examples of khaad dena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., dress.

The baker or bread-seller of those days had a peculiar dress known as the kabai.

He wore new, shining black leathers and she a yellow dress with a kind of cape that flew out behind.
She always wore a faded blue dress that didn't hang right.
A hundred dresses! Obviously, the only dress Wanda had was the blue one she wore every day.
Peggy might ask her where she got the dress that she had on, and Maddie would have to say it was one of Peggy's old ones that Maddie's mother had tried to disguise with new trimmings so no one in Room Thirteen would recognise it.
A variety of sarees, towels, shirting, ladies dress material and bedsheets are produced in these looms.
When the fire broke out, I was still wearing the dress I had worn to church that morning but I had no shoes! I had kicked them off when I was doing my homework.
Ours! You can go on proving it for two days on end, you can go and put on fifteen dress jackets, but I tell you they're ours, ours, ours! I don't want anything of yours and I don't want to give anything of mine.
But today she was lucky to receive a clean dress which had shrunk after many washings and no longer fitted Champa.
Divisions among workers showed themselves in dress and manners too.
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